"Uh, this is MY time.
Is anything sacred?"

No, nothing is private around our house.
Here Cecilia takes a look at her accomplishment.
And yes, we have a picture of another excrement, but thought we would spare you.
----don't know why blogger.com decided to turn the picture---

Brushing those 6 teeth.

Whatever we can do to drive a point home.

Just like daddy.

Magazines seem to help get the job done.

We are hoping that the cloth diapers will pay off in another way (other than saving $ and keeping unnecessary crap and plastic out of the landfill - word on the street is that it takes 5oo years for a regular diaper to decompose) and encourage early potty training because she will not want to sit around in a soggy diaper.
Who knows?
We will tell ya how it goes.....
ps....a shout out to the g-parents and great aunties who hooked us up with diaper service for the first 6 months of diapering this little girl. It sure was nice to throw all those nasty ones in a sack and ship 'em off to someone else when we were still novices:)