More December Memories

Heading back to Portland with the whole family on Christmas Day
One last Zoo Lights outing

One last Syracuse Street gathering

One last kiss from Josef

One last supper with Greta

....before heading down the I-84 corridor towards Boise

Return to December

We found our holiday pictures on Trevor's computer.
Here is what we were up to in December:

Minnesota Zoo visit with Papa & Nannie
Cecilia with her Papa & Nannie
Cecilia out for a sled with her Oma & Opa
Backyard exploration at Oma & Opa's
Great Grandma Mary & C watch our family's rendition of the Christmas Story
"I love Christmas"
Cecilia baking with her Grandma & Daddy
Staying warm in Grandpa's arms
Running with her Uncle and Nellie

Trevor watching Grandpa cut down a tree
Grandpa and Uncle Seth amidst the branches of said fallen tree

Coffee shop Scrabble

Cecilia with her Uncle Brandon & Great Auntie Marcia

Serving cookies to Great Grandma Pat
Hanging with Uncle Dustin
"Now that I have mittens on my hands I can touch your burly beard"

This girl is loved by so many!

The Desert

A quick sled before

our Sunday soak along the river.
The car that belongs
to the interesting folk
who came along
to share in a soak.
(Sorry, I just read a bunch of Shel Silverstein poems and my mind is in rhyme mode)

Renae's Visit was Zen-Like

Skiing in the clouds

Yoga in the kitchen
Daily mindful hugs
Just being (silly)

Healthy homemade meals
This was one of the sweetest moments of the entire week for me. You can just see the love and respect Cecilia has for her auntie in this touch!
Massages and Reiki (can you find C's face?)
Thanks for the visit Renae!

Time to Change Our Web Address?

In Portland we are no more, so I guess we should change our web address from to something more appropriate like tntmovetoboise, but we cannot leave out Cecilia so maybe it could be tntnclivinginboise. Although that is a mouthfull and doesn't look very appealing. I will work on it and get back to you.....
Here are a some pictures of our first month living in Boise, ID.
Camel's Back Park (C's favorite swinging spot:)
Finding her dress up clothes (and all of her "toys from Portland") helped Cecilia feel at home while everything around her still seemed so foreign.

Settling in to the new house
Trying to get a family photo by the fire
was not so simple....
Trevor smiles for the camera that snapped this picture as it fell to the floor from atop the dining room chair, obviously a terrible place to rest camera for self-timed photo.

No doubt Cecilia misses her friends in Portland, so we are very thankful that she has her furry pal Mira to gaze out the window with and smooch every so often.
Sometimes Cecilia can be found drawing people on her chalkboard
in hopes that they will be her new friend.
(For those of you who just said "awwwww, poor thing" in their mind, please know that I am being facetious. Cecilia is adapting very well to all of the changes. She loves going to school and loves meeting new friends!)
Here is a new friend, Dylan, who came over for brunch this morning with her parents and sister.
Her old standbys always seem to bring a smile to her face
(This is a birthday celebration for Baby Black Bear )

First Thursday Art Walk ~ We stopped into a glass studio and received a glass hummingbird from this sweet & talented man.

Walking to the top of Camel's Back Park for another sunset
Seth, and all Dogtown residents, notice the sand volleyball court below- the net is up year round.
Happy girls
Trevor & C making their lunches for school the next day
"Me and Daddy both go to school. Although, Daddy teaches big kids"~Cecilia

This is how we keep from getting lost when we don't have a map, which is way too often. Thank you Forest Service people.
C's first snow shoe experience
was slow
but much better than the alternative, which was to post-hole.