We have actually been home for a month.
Here are a few shots of the fun times we've enjoyed in Portland heat:

Cecilia's first solid: ice cubes.
When it was 105, she would suck one down in less than 5 minutes and cry when it disappeared.
Greta, in the background, is not so interested in the cupcake her daddy is offering.

The whole family had a blast at our neighborhood block party. Cecilia got to coo and smile with a slew of baby lovers. Trevor had plenty to eat and Tenneal (below) took a trip down the slide when the kiddies were whacking away at the pinata.

We have been strolling down to our new neighborhood farmer's market (a 10 minute walk). This is a dream for us, especially since a booth at the market sharpens scissors, knives, and shears! Wow, the little things that are exciting these days.......

Talk about exciting! We also got to visit with Ann Marie and her sweet friends. Thanks for fitting us into your schedule lady!