Oma and Opa visited the weekend after Halloween. Cecilia was feeling fairly lucky that she was going to spend time with more loving grandparents. She was also more than happy to share her bedroom and new bed set with all of our guests, thus allowing her to sleep in her parents' closet. (her favorite place to lay her head:)

Cecilia sporting her new backpack on one of many weekend walks.

Her first tricycle ride down the block.

Not a fan of the paparazzi

Hanging out with Oma and Opa while waiting for dad to bring the tricycle home so we can continue our walk.

CHAP (Children's Healing Art Project) is one of Cecilia's favorite place to spend a creative hour painting anything and everything.
She starts conservative and paints only on the paper .

Oma urges her to let loose and finger/hand paint.

Now she is off and freely painting on every surface she encounters.

Situated in the heart of the Pearl District, near a good brew pub (no surprise), CHAP is a great destination for the whole family.

Nature walking,

Leaf collecting,

Green tree frog finding fun!

Finally Cecilia fits into the gorgeous sweater Oma knitted for her before she was born.

Opa (and Smithsonian) teaches Cecilia all about elephants.

Cecilia and Oma!