Working Vacation

The weekend before we moved out of our Syracuse Street home, Tenneal's parents flew out from Wisconsin to help us pack and clean. They did get a little time to play with their favorite 2 year old so I believe it was a win-win situation. However, we may have come out a little ahead, because they were the most amazing workers we could have imaged having with us for that last frenzied weekend.
Waiting for the POD

C scopes it out and wonders how we will fit all of our belongings into this small box
Let the loading begin
Mom indoors cleaning & boxing up the last of the household goods
Cecilia and her Grandma packed a little package of popcorn that Cecilia loved finding in the POD when we unpacked in Boise!

The celebration after a long weekend of working (and a quick soak in the local soaking pools to ease muscle pain)

The largest pizza EVER